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ZIGO sign-What is handmade silk screen printing process?

Screen printing refers to the process of using a screen as the base and using photosensitive plate making methods to create a screen printing plate with graphics and text. Screen printing consists of five main elements: screen printing plate, scraper, ink, printing platform, and substrate. The basic principle of using screen printing plates is that the holes in the graphic and textual parts can pass through ink, while the holes in the non graphic and textual parts cannot pass through ink for printing. During printing, ink is poured into one end of the screen printing plate, and a scraper is used to apply a certain amount of pressure to the ink area on the screen printing plate. At the same time, it moves at a constant speed towards the other end of the screen printing plate. During the movement, the ink is squeezed onto the substrate by the scraper from the mesh holes in the graphic and text parts.

process flow:

When printing, pour ink onto one end of the screen printing plate, apply a certain pressure to the ink area on the screen printing plate with a scraper, and move towards the other end of the screen printing plate. Ink is squeezed onto the substrate by the scraper from the mesh of the graphic and text parts during movement. Due to the adhesive effect of ink, the imprint is fixed within a certain range. During the printing process, the scraper always makes linear contact with the screen printing plate and substrate, and the contact line moves with the scraper. Due to the gap between the screen printing plate and substrate, the screen printing plate generates a reaction force on the scraper through its own tension during printing, which is called rebound force. Due to the effect of rebound force, the screen printing plate and the substrate only come into contact in a movable line, while the other parts of the screen printing plate are detached from the substrate. Causing ink and screen to break and move, ensuring printing dimensional accuracy and avoiding rubbing and dirtying of the substrate. When the scraper scrapes across the entire layout and lifts up, the screen printing plate also lifts up and gently scrapes the ink back to its initial position, marking a printing process.


(1) Not limited by the size and shape of the substrate; Generally, printing can only be done on a flat surface, while screen printing can not only be done on a flat surface, but also on special shaped shaped objects such as spherical surfaces. Shaped objects can be printed using screen printing.

(2) The layout is soft and the printing pressure is small.

(3) Strong ink layer coverage; Can be printed in pure white on all black paper, with strong three-dimensional effect.

(4) Suitable for various types of inks.

(5) Strong resistance to optical rotation; Can maintain the gloss of printed materials. (Both temperature and sunlight have no effect). This means that when printing some stickers, there is no need for additional lamination or other processes.

(6) Flexible and diverse printing methods.

(7) Convenient plate making, affordable price, and easy to master technology.

(8) Strong adhesion.